Ace the Arkansas Esthetician Test 2024 – Unleash Your Beauty Boss Potential!

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What role do the Kidneys play in waste management?

Supply blood

Connect nerve tissue

Receive urea from the liver

The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering and removing waste products from the body. These waste products, such as urea, are received from the liver and then processed and excreted by the kidneys. Option A - supplying blood - is incorrect because while the kidneys do receive a large amount of blood flow for filtration, their main function is not related to supplying blood. Option B - connecting nerve tissue - is also incorrect because while the kidneys are connected to the nervous system, this is not their primary function. Option D - covering the epicranium - is also incorrect because the kidneys are located in the abdominal area and do not cover the epicranium (which is the top part of the skull). Therefore, option C is the most accurate and relevant answer.

Cover the Epicranium


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